On Ma, 22 mai 12, 02:49:23, Chris Bannister wrote: > > Sorry, I don't see it that way. I don't see debian-user as <italic>the first > "port of call" and if you don't get any help ***THEN*** google and try > to find out where the ***ACTUAL*** place to get support is.</italic>
IMVHO it is entirely apropiate for somebody to ask questions to a specific application packaged for Debian given that the Debian package may be patched or compiled different than the standard options. Also, some upstreams are even quite hostile to The Debian Way (tm) regarding stable releases and the first advice might be to compile the latest version. Even if running sid you may be a few releases behind[1]. Add to this that even the general Debian[2] advice is to report bugs in the Debian BTS and let the maintainer forward bugs upstream if needed. [1] but I do expect sid users to be able to help themselves :) [2] except packages that are prone to receive *a lot* of bug reports, like Gnome, KDE, Iceweasel, etc. Kind regards, Andrei -- Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/d-community-offtopic
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