Alan Thompson wrote:

I'm sure you've already thought of this, but it's probably worth
mentioning that laptop keyboards come apart very easily, and the little
pieces therein practically define "choking hazard".  Supervision is

Thanks for the warning, we will defintely watch out for this.
I think though i need to get a slightly more modern laptop, or even a desktop. Need to get a little bit better graphics (as it is now, I only managed to get 800*600 on 8 bits, wants to go to atleast 16 I think to get nice screen.)

As someone mentioned perhaps it is best to wait with the introduction of a computer as long as possible (or at least until they can operate it by them self.) Now, she wakes up mama and papa with the word PIPI PIPI PIPI wich should be translated to I want to see the Pippi Laangstrump computer game NOW.


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