Jens Weiß wrote:

ich hätte da mal ne Frage ich habe einen Acer Bluetooht Dongle 1.1 100
Meter reichweite.
Meine Frage läuft der auch unter Debian

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Jens weiß

Hi Jens,

please consider to ask your questions in english!

Concerning the bluetooth dongle: I've got one running from Acer without problems(kernel 2.4.22 as well as 2.6.0-test6). You have to compile your kernel with usb and bluetooth support and install the bluez-* packages like bluez-utils, bluez-pin etc.
I also installed multisync. This is a great tool that can synchronize your contacts from your mobile phone with evolution over bluetooth.

Hope that helps,


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