stan said on Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 08:03:42PM -0400:
> The kernel is compiled with NFS V3 client _and_ server suport. However the
> problem is that when I built the machine I installed teh nfs-server
> package, and not the nfs-kernel-server package. Now life gets interesting.
Okay, so this is your problem.

> It's an old Progeny install. With apt-sources pointed to stable. I tried to
> use dselect to install teh nfs-kernel-server package, but it wnated to
> upgradee 900+ packages, and dlete 40 or 50!. No joy here. I then looked at
> /usr/share/doc/nfs-kernel-server on another machine, and I thought I was in
> good luck the REAME pointed me to,
> and gave _explicit_ instructions as to compling from source WO using the
> package manager. Great I thought. However, I must be missing something.
> When I downloaded the tarbal from there that was under "NFS kernel server"
> dhiggen_merge-5.0.tar.gz, that turned out to be a kernel patch. I don't
> think I need that, as the 2.4.22 kernel already has NFS V3 suport.
Well, you're running an old version.  You could try looking at, and trying to use potato (the version of Debian stable
prior to woody).  I think that upgrading is your best bet, though.


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