Tom Badran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there anyway with X i can make it use the Bitstream Vera font
> instead of Helvetica, and the Vera Mono font instead of Courier for
> all X applications?

There's just too many font schemes out there.  You should be able to
easily change the font scheme for GNOME and KDE applications using
their respective control panels.  Adding an X resource like

  *Font: -bitstream-bitstream vera sans mono-*

might get you the font you want for Xaw applications that don't
otherwise specify a font.

(You could, in theory, have X *lie* about what fonts you have, so an
application asks for -*-helvetica-* and the X server says, "uh, yeah,
Helvetica, uh-huh, here's a font" but really gives back Bitstream Vera
Sans.  Doing this would involve munging fonts.scale and fonts.dir
files in various places.  I'd recommend against doing this, though,
since sometime you might actually want real honest-to-God Helvetica.)

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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