wjl wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:

[Tips for apt-proxy]

Hmmm Roberto,

I checked all this, tho I couldn't believe that the problem would lay there,
since the clients do get the package list and everything just fine *the
first time*. Also installing new packages, even ones the proxy doesn't
have, work like a charm. What does *not* work is that I update/upgrade each
morning, like I used to when I had official debian servers in each
machines' /etc/apt/sources.list - so I guess the problem is with apt-proxy
itself, right?

Hmmm do I have to check the source to understand it?

But thanks anyway,

wjl aka Wolfgang Lonien

Please post the contents of your /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf (as I asked in the previous message) and also post a listing of the output for a failed session (and a successful one if you can manage it).


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