On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 12:09:15PM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> At 11:49 AM 10/6/2003, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> >> So, would people suggest sticking with "pure" Debian or possibly going 
> >with
> >> a Debian-based distro ?? If an off-shoot, which one ?? I'm looking at
> >> Knoppix's site right now...
> >
> >Knoppix aims to produce a bootable, runnable, fairly complete desktop
> >system.  It succeeds relatively well at this.  Installing to HD is
> >possible, but the mix of stable, unstable, testing, and other sources is
> >somewhat ungodly.
> I sent this before I actually started *reading* Knoppix's page... :-) I 
> guess I was thinking of Libranet instead, not Knoppix, espcially being that 
> it normally runs off of a CD. I sure don't want that.

A general wor of wisdom here, for what it's worth.

I once made the mistake of allowing myself to be sucked in by the siren
song of these offshot distors. As a result I am stuck with 2 machines (one
at home, and one at work), bith of which I still actively use, but can't,
in any reasonable way, update.

Both machines were, at one time, lot's nicer than the Debian mainstream at
that tiem.

In mycase it was Progey, who sure looked like they would be around :-(
"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin

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