I am trying to integrate a passwd/shadow table from an SQL database
into a cluster of Debian systems. There are a number of users
defined in the SQL database, way too many to allow for the standard
flatfile /etc/passwd. So I'd like to combine the two authorization
mechanisms and use the best of both worlds: Debian accounts in
flatfiles, everyone else in one centralised database.

I have already made NSS look in the database, then in the flatfiles,
and it works perfectly well. But with PAM authorisation, I am still
experiencing big problems.

  libnss-pgsql1  1.0.0-4
  libpam-pgsql   0.5.2-7
  postgresql     7.3.3-1

Here are the most basic PAM settings I have:

  auth sufficient pam_pgsql.so debug
  auth required pam_unix.so

This is supposed to let people in if pam_pgsql can authorise them.
Only if pam_pgsql fails, then pam_unix has the final call.

  password required pam_passwdqc.so min=disabled,16,12,8,6
  password sufficient pam_pgsql.so use_first_pass debug
  password required pam_unix.so md5 use_first_pass

We check the password, then exit if pam_pgsql reports a successful
change. If it cannot change the password, the task is on pam_unix

Here are the problems I experience:

(1) The su and pop3 modules can successfully authorize against
    pam_pgsql. However, ssh does not work. I get the following log

      failed to initialize SSL connection: No SSL error reported

    and sshd receives a signal 11 (segmentation fault).

(2) If I try to change the password of a user in the database, it
    fails with the following error:

    passwd: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.
    At the same time, postgres reports:

      SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected
      pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connecti

    I can change the password of a user in /etc/passwd just fine.

(3) If I place the following into /etc/pam.d/common-account:

      account sufficient pam_pgsql.so debug
      account required pam_unix.so

    then su and pop3 work as before, ssh still does not work, but
    now I cannot even SSH into the machine with user credentials
    from /etc/passwd anymore, sshd segfaults. The errors are:

      failed to initialize SSL connection: No SSL error reported

    SSH client:
      debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
      debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
      debug1: Entering interactive session.
      debug1: channel_free: channel 0: client-session, nchannels 1
      Read from remote host gaia.ailab.ch: Connection reset by peer
      Connection to gaia.ailab.ch closed.

All in all, this make pam_pgsql pretty unusable, and I don't really
know why. I have never told it to use SSL, and that's where the
errors seem to come from. Postgres allows cleartext access:

  host    all        all   password

why in the world is SSL being used at all? What may be worth
noticing is that PostgreSQL started the use SSL when possible in
7.3.3-1. If I connect with psql to localhost, being allowed to use
clear text, I am told that I am using a

  SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
However, if I connect with psql to localhost on a 7.2.1-2woody2
machine, I do not get this notice and the connection is clear-text.

There is no mention in the changelog about this, so maybe Oliver has
a comment?

And anyone else with some tips or solutions or hints or
pads-on-the-back: please give them to me!

Please do not CC me when replying to lists; I read them!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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