tim truman wrote:
> Please help me understand why oom-killer was invoked?

You already know that the reason is that your system was out of
memory.  Why even ask.

The OOM killer is a terrible thing.  I have ranted about it often.
Turning it off is the best way to avoid it.

I have previously ranted about this in some detail here:


And more recently with a little more rationale here:


> From the SAR logs we can see that there is lots of memory in use by the
> system cache, but free is low.  How can we ensure there is more memory
> available in free to avoid triggering oom-killer?

The easiest solution is to add swap space.  That will increase your
virtual memory.  Then you won't run out of memory and will avoid the
out of memory killer.

>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:          8115       7968        146          0         23       5575
> -/+ buffers/cache:       2369       5745
> Swap:          972        127        845

That is a very small amount of memory.  I wouldn't have guessed that a
system could run with that small of memory these days.


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