Yep! An idea!

I didn't take a look onto my ossec logs, perhaps will i find something.

Thanks for the tip of modprobe Camaleon.

I'll be back, when i got news.


2012/3/7 benoit lair <>:
> 2012/3/7 Camaleón <>:
>> On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 23:33:00 +0100, benoit lair wrote:
>>> I didn't specify it, but i've tried:
>>> ping onto an external host
>>> ping onto the gateway  of this server
>> And what was the output/results?
> No response in all cases.
>>> The messages into says there's a problem with MX resolution
>>> because of the network loss.
>> So you can't resolve domain names.
> I wasn't behind my server when it loss connection.
> No way to contact him from my office, so went fast to my datacenter to
> regain access (ok no remote control pdu on this machine and not
> virtualised (1 of 3 old school survivors on my network), so hard
> access to this hardware when problem)
> So when arrived in my box, face to my server, wired my kvm screen and
> so no way to get any network from my server.
>>> Also, when i tried to ping an IP, i got no response, so it doesn't seem
>>> there's a problem around dns system.
>> Which pings fails, remote or local (or both)?
> So both
>> Sample of remote ping can be "ping -c 3"
>> Sample of local ping can be "ping -c 3"
>>> 2012/3/6 Camaleón <>
>> (...)
>>>> Also, depending on the above results, as you were sitting in fornt of
>>>> the server, reloading the network kernel module could have been
>>>> something worth to try.
>>> You mean to unload the network module via modprobe ?
>> Yes.
>>> It's quite surprising, seen nothing on the logs.
>> Nothing? Is the module loaded? "lsmod | grep bnx2"
> Now i looked onto my incidents tickets, already got this problem 10 months 
> ago.
> But it was unsolved by my collegues. grrh, now it's too late to get
> response less than waiting horribly for a potential new bug ...
> Keeping the logs away from log rotate, will have to read and prepare
> cups of cofee for this week end
> Greetings.
>>> A precision, i use bnx2 firmware (non-free, the firmware is
>>> bnx2-06-4.0.5.fw exactly ) in order to use my network card The
>>> installation was made (several months ago) loading the firmware onto a
>>> usb key with this file, so not using the bnx2 deb package with dpkg.
>>> May be there are some problems known with this driver ?
>> Hard to tell right now. I would run more tests, there are still many
>> missing things to reach a conclusion (i.e., results of the local and
>> remote ping, what happens when you reload the module...).
>> Greetings,
>> --
>> Camaleón
>> --
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