On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 16:18, Rob Owens <row...@ptd.net> wrote:
> I'm considering using bittorrent to back up large files such as pictures
> and home movies.  I am the admin for several of my family members'
> computers.  The idea would be to back up my files onto their machines,
> then eventually back their stuff up in the same manner, resulting in
> several off-site backups for each of us.
> I already use BackupPC successfully for offsite backups between family
> members.  Very large files are sometimes a problem, however, which is
> why I'm considering bittorrent to supplement BackupPC.
> I want to keep this data private.  What are my options, besides a VPN?
> I hesitate to use a public torrent even on encrypted data, because the
> computers of tomorrow may easily crack today's encryption using brute
> force.

Not sure off the top of my head what encryption BT uses, but if it is any
good, it shouldn't be any easier to break than a VPN's encryption...

> Has anybody used bittorrent over VPN?  Searching for those terms just
> gives me hits on VPN services that can be used to keep the MPAA and RIAA
> out of your face.

I know you can do it, I do not know how well. I have heard of people
running it over TOR, which is kind of crazy, TOR is slow enough as is.

I can't think of any reason it wouldn't work over say, OpenVPN.

> My data is sorted in directories by year.  If I make torrents for each
> year, most of the data will be static.  But how should I handle the
> current year's data?  Can I update the torrent file without forcing a
> re-download of all the current year's data?

I doubt it. Probably not that hard to incorporate that into the spec,
but without it being there, it is unlikely.

I don't know what BackupPC does internally, but I would just
use rsync over ssh, with appropriate options. It ought to be pretty

Kelly Clowers

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