Jesús M. Navarro wrote:
> En fecha Viernes, 3 de Febrero de 2012, Gary Roach escribió:
> > I have 3 computer running on Debian Squeeze. One has an unused hard
> > drive that I wish to use as a backup disk for all 3 computers. Is there
> > a simple way to do this that can be completely automated.
> Making use of my crystal ball, I'd bet backuppc is what you are looking for.

+1.  I will give a bump to BackupPC too.  I had always previously set
up my own "cron, ssh, gzip, rsync, lv*" system just as shawn wrote in
a previous message.  But then I needed to set up backup for other
people to use.  I found BackupPC to be quite nice for others and very
solid for me.  One of those zen best of both worlds things.


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