On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 05:11:29PM -0400, S. Loisel wrote:
> I've decided to install Knoppix on my hard disk. It has been suggested 
> before that this is a good way to get an initial installation of Debian 
> up and running, and it's true that the process is very seamless.

It is if you never plan on doing anything with it, perhaps.

> I want to try out Debian due to its much vaunted ease of maintenance and 
> distribution upgrades.

Then do.  What does Knoppix have to do with that?  Install stable, work
from there.  Not like it's hard or anything.

> Starting from Knoppix 3.3, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade does 
> something reasonable looking, but apt-get dist-upgrade downloads 
> hundreds of megabytes, uninstalls most of my OS, and then leaves it in 
> an unusable, non-gui state.

I'd imagine so.  Knoppix is a mix of packages from testing and unstable,
with some gratuitously altered stuff thrown in for flavor.  Since you gave
it license to remove packages in order to deduce a dependency solution (you
did bother to learn what the difference was between 'upgrade' and
'dist-upgrade', right?), it did what it had to do in order to achieve a
solution.  Then it resisted attempts to break it.

The only safe thing to try is to take it directly to unstable, and I'd
imagine that, depending on your package mix, that might not work either.

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