Keith O'Connell wrote:

        New user type questions I am afraid. I am trying out the
        Debian based firewall CD "Gibraltar". I am just tinkering
        about the edges at the moment and I have two periferal
        problems which I should be able to solve, but can't. They are
        not important, but they are niggeling me!

        If I use the date command, I get the time come up as CEST,
        which I take to be Central European time. No problem I thought
        and I edited /etc/timezone from "Europe/Vienna" to
        "Europe/London", but it didn't work, so now I have learnt that
        I don't know how to change simple thing like the time display.

Not sure what timezone CEST is, but (as root) tzconfig will let you change the system default.

        Also the system defaults to German keyboard, and I have to
        type "loadkeys uk" at the start of each fresh boot. I added
        this to the end of /etc/bash.bashrc, but it did not work

Not sure about this one.

        Now I am really fealing inadequate. What is the correct
        solution to these niggles. I thought I knew, but I failed :-(



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