Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Bob Proulx a écrit :
> > Instead I prefer setting up the dependent aliased virtual interfaces
> Please don't call ethX:Y virtual interfaces. They are not interfaces.
> Only ifconfig artificially treats them as interfaces. They cannot be
> used as interfaces by other tools nor by the kernel.

I think that was pretty much the entire point of my message.  So let
me assure you that on this point we are in agreement.

> >     up   ip addr add dev eth0 label eth0:0
> >     down ip addr del dev eth0 label eth0:0
> That sucks big time. Don't tell me it is the new official way to replace
> aliases.

It doesn't have any official status beyond being able to work with the
(at least for some period of time) broken ifupdown in Sid.  And it
seems very reasonable to me.  I am sorry that you don't like it.  In
which case you don't need to use it.  But I don't think it sucks at
all.  *I* like it.

I find the use of ip in up/down methods to be much more clear what is
happening than when ethX:Y is faked up by ifupdown to look like a real
interface.  I think having it faked to look like a real interface is
much more confusing because the status of the dependent interface is
not independent of the main interface.  And for at least some time it
wasn't working at all.  I think it is now fixed in the experimental
repository.  I need to get back to checking on the status of it.  But
I don't think it has migrated to Sid yet.  I am still running a
locally hacked version of 0.7~beta1.  I need to try the 0.7~beta2 in

> This is just an ugly hack to work around ifupdown's lack of ability
> to assign more than one addresse to an interface.

Eventually when ifupdown has migrated it will be doing vitually the
same thing as the above.  It will simply be doing it internally.
Previous versions of 'ifupdown' called ifconfig.  Newer versions of
ifupdown call 'ip'.

> IMHO it would be much better to upgrade ifupdown, for example by
> allowing the 'address' option to contain several
> address/prefixlength values, or multiple 'address' options.

That would be fine with me.  Go for it!


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