Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > For reasons that I haven't been following there has been a push to
> > remove those shutdown links generally from everything.  I don't know
> > why.  Perhaps someone else will comment on why.  Removing those links
> > seems like it breaks going to single user mode directly from multiuser
> > mode but I only go to single user mode from a reboot anyway so I guess
> > that is okay.  I am sure the reasoning is that the reboot or halt will
> > kill everything no matter what so might as well get to it as quickly
> > as possible.  On a server machine this wouldn't ever be an issue but
> > waiting for a laptop to shutdown could be annoying.
> From lurking on debian-devel I can tell that your guess is right on :)
> (the motive is to speed-up the shutdown).

Is there a plan for packages to deal with the links that are left
behind?  Could we, should we, start filing bugs if a package doesn't
make the transition cleanly?

Is there an explicit abandonment of going to single user mode directly
from multuser mode?  This certainly breaks it implicitly.  However
since I always reboot first anyway I can't really complain since I
already didn't trust it for that purpose.


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