Camaleón wrote:
On Sat, 07 Jan 2012 17:25:42 -0600, hvw59601 wrote:
That's all commented out. Let me play with it. My feeling is that the
short lease times for both devices have to do with the external IP
And also the changes in leasetime occurred when the router changed, so
IMO it is hardware related :-)
Have no idea of how to get rid of the 57 sec. renewals.
Did you configure your "dhclient" to request a lease every 12 hours?
I set /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf (on Jan. 08 09:20) to:
lease {
interface "eth0";
option subnet-mask;
option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
option routers;
option dhcp-message-type 5;
option dhcp-server-identifier;
option domain-name-servers;
option dhcp-renewal-time 43200;
option domain-name "lan";
renew 6 2012/01/08 22:53:20;
rebind 6 2012/01/08 22:53:20;
expire 6 2012/01/08 22:53:20;
Makes no diff. whatsoever.
Configured the TG585V8 with the only configurable item: "Always use the
same IP address" set to "yes" that sets "DHCP Lease Time: Infinite":
That options ("use the same IP") is not available for me. Have you tried
to disable?
Default is disabled. Makes no diff. whatsoever.
Then I did a new install of the Wheezy netinst.iso of today (Jan.7,
2012). Did not install any software, did not change anything, just the
base installation. Result: lease renewal every 56 secs. Weird.
Yup, it's not normal. But it can be a bug in the router's firmware that
makes it to behave weirldy. To start discarding culprits, I would try
with another DHCP server, if you have another device than can be
configured in that way.
Where does one get another DHCP server?
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