> Suppose ~/.bashrc ends with these 5 lines.
> exec while 1 do
> if (inotifywait -e modify ~/ = 0 
>   then { chmod u+x ~/; ~/; } > controlresult 
> fi
> done

You have that in a loop forever, right?  How will you log in?  How
would you prevent this from hanging up in an infinite loop and
preventing you from logging into the account?  I think you are saved
because of the syntax error.  That isn't valid bash shell syntax.

Instead I think it would be better to create a daemon that runs as a
standalone process not associated with your login shell.  Then after
developing and debugging and testing it I would copy
/etc/init.d/skeleton and modify it to start the daemon at boot time.

The process will need to run as root.  That is unfortunate.  Oh well.

> Whenever a fresh version of is put into ~ it is executed with 
> results kept in controlresult.  
> Any further tips before I shoot myself in the foot?


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