Bill Moseley wrote:

Anyone know how I can put different image on each screen of my root
window?  I've tried the display command but my image just gets tiled
across all monitors:

$ display -window root foo.png

My experience with the nvidia driver's equivalent function to xinerama is that what you really need is one doublewide image, possibly made of two smaller images.

You can write a bash script to do this, using convert/mogrify.
cp $1 /tmp/input1.png
cp $2 /tmp/input2.png
mogrify -rotate 90 /tmp/input1.png
mogrify -rotate 90 /tmp/input2.png
convert -append /tmp/input1.png /tmp/input2.png /tmp/output.png
mogrify -rotate -90 /tmp/output.png
display -window root /tmp/output.png
rm /tmp/input1.jpg /tmp/input2.png /tmp/output.png myimageleft.png myimageright.png

All of the annoying rotation is necessary because convert -append joins the images vertically, and I don't know of an alternative switch for doing it horizontally.

Hope that helps.

John Spray

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