on Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 07:42:36AM -0700, Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 07:53:19AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > After getting hundreds of infections per day early in the week of
> > 14-Sep, it seems to have radically tapered off:
> Well, I don't know about anybody else, but I've been rampantly
> reporting the infections as they come in when I'm at a terminal.  I've
> been getting human responses from abuse departments saying they are
> cutting off customers, and in one case the ISP responded that
> $MAJOR_CORPORATION had it's contract cancelled for being a repeat
> offender.
> I'm encouraged to see that ISPs agree with me on the premise that if
> you can't be responsible enough to secure your system and keep it
> virus free (if applicable), then you have absolutely *ZERO RIGHT* to
> the net.

How are you parsing it for this?

I'm looking at some combination of rule / reporting tool to do this
either on mail as it comes in, or on messages sitting in a spool.  Seems
like about the only way we're going to get a reasonable handle on this
barring ISPs refusing to carry executables in email format.


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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