On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 19:47, csj wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:14:38 +0200,
> Manrtin Jungowski wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 15:07, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > > On Sat, 2003-09-20 at 22:29, sturla wrote:
> > > > David Palmer. wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > If I should advice somebody new to Linux, I would say
> > > > RedHat, that's where I started.  RedHat 9 has a great
> > > > installer and contains anything a normal user will ever
> > > > need, including OpenOffice.Org.
> > > 
> > > Gak!  And send him into Dependency Hell?
> What dependency hell are you talking about?  Dependency hell only
> happens when you want to install third-party applications.  For
> most people that would probably be only MPlayer or Xine (because
> of the DVD and mp3 embargo), and the developers of these programs
> have well-packaged RPMs (This is just from what I've read on
> their lists).
> > Exactly. RedHat/SuSE/Mandrake may be great and easy to install
> > - but that's about it.

I tried to upgrade Mandrake 8.0 from KDE 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, using Mdk's
own RPMs (and SRPMs, for that matter).  It never would work, even 
after I went as far as de-installing XFree.

> I don't know about SuSE, But RedHat and Mandrake are a great way
> to introduce Joe Average to the Linux revolution.  For everybody
> else, however, Debian.


Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA

LUKE: Is Perl better than Python?
YODA: No... no... no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.
LUKE: But how will I know why Python is better than Perl?
YODA: You will know. When your code you try to read six months 
from now.

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