I've given K3 a try to see if the same problems are present as with k3.0.1 in 
I found in the files in /ect/modprobe.d that most including my cards were 

Also the samplerates on my sound card are incorrect

Name                        = M Audio Delta 66: ICE1712 multi (hw:0,0)
Host API                    = ALSA
Max inputs = 0, Max outputs = 10
Default low input latency   =   -1.000
Default low output latency  =    0.011
Default high input latency  =   -1.000
Default high output latency =    0.043
Default sample rate         = 48000.00
Supported standard sample rates
 for half-duplex 16 bit 10 channel output = 

it should be on that card 
 8000.00,  9600.00, 11025.00, 16000.00,
 22050.00, 32000.00, 44100.00, 48000.00,

the card in question is the M-audio D66 which is used by a lot of radio 
amateurs , as well as 
professional use. It uses the ICE1712 module.

Could I have some help sorting this out please, I have one app that uses 
11025.00 sampling rate, so at
the moment I stuck as the dependences loaded with kernel 3.0.3 cause the same 
problem now with kernel
2.6.35 which before k3 was loaded with its dependencies work well and all the 
cards were detected

Best wishes / 73

e-mail: rich...@g8jvm.com
Richard Bown
nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Fedora FC15 x86_64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 4400, 4 GB RAM
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W & 3 cms:5W

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