
Sidney Brooks (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> I want to use a usb printer with Debian woody. From
> what I read, I must install the module uhci to do
> this. I do not know where to find this module and how
> to install it. I have tried apt-get with no success.
> This must be something that everybody but me knows how
> to
> do as everything I read assumes that no explanation is
> needed. Somebody please tell me.

The file is called usb-uhci.o and is a kernel driver for usb controllers
located somewhere in /lib/modules/$yourkernelversion. The standard
kernels for Woody should include this driver, so you don't have to
install anything.

You can load it using

modprobe usb-uhci

To load it automatically at startup, add a line containing


to your /etc/modules.

Maybe you also need to load additional drivers like the "printer" module
to use your printer.

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

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