O.K., I'm trying to get on top of a few things here, and am struggling to find directions that make sense. It's got to the point where I have actually got to the point of starting off a series of posts at an open source forum to help out other newbies like myself. But even though I am able to find documentation that will teach me the basics of bash, I've looked all over the web for a simple tutorial to explain step by step procedure for download and install of a basic application. 'Start the installation procedure', was the last reference I copped, without the faintest thread of logical explanation about how one should go about doing that. I've downloaded the Gnupg application. I know it's there because after the end of the download the location is stated as '/home/username/.opera/download', so at a prompt I'll type:- 'cd /home/username/.opera/download' and I get echoed back to me:- ~/.opera/download$ to check I type:- pwd and get :-/.opera/download echoed back again. So it's definitely there. But how do I get to it, install, and activate it? What is the procedure now? So the only other avenue that I haven't tried is a book. On the Debian site there is a list. Would anybody who has read any of these be good enough to recommend one that attempts to communicate? The Linux Cookbook. DebianGNU/Linux Bible. Learning Debian GNU/Linux. Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation & Usage. I should appreciate any response. Regards,
google on -IBM linux tutorial compiling-. There is a good tutorial about installing software from source in the IBM tutorials.
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