On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 14:10 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
> Thank You for Your time and answer, Arnt:
> >> I have slow 3D rendering on ATI card after full upgrading to wheezy.
> >> 
> >> Is there any strategy how I can investigate the bottle neck so that I
> >> might file a bug report against it?

> Hmm. To me whole the problem is strange - I think there should be no 3D
> or it should be at some little variable FPS change after the upgrade,
> but it works as follows : from about 420 in Squeeze down to 60 Wheezy...

Is glxgears your only benchmark for establishing that 3D rendering is slow? If
so, it is most likely that it is a faulty benchmark as I am sure that 60FPS is
due to the FPS being synchronised to the VSYNC (refresh rate) of your TFT
(i.e. 60Hz).

Is it actually slower? What is the output of:

    $ glxinfo | grep -e 'direct\|renderer'
Wolodja <babi...@gmail.com>

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