Aéris wrote:
> Le 17/09/2011 00:40, Bob Proulx a écrit :
> > Ah...  Very good!  An excellent suggestion!  'find' rocks!  I will
> > note three things here however.
> > 
> > * One is that the find will recurse down through a possibly deep
> > hierarchy of directories.  It isn't an identical alternative for just
> > looking for *.txt in the current directory.  But probably that
> > difference isn't important here.  Or perhaps that difference will be a
> > really desirable feature.
> Use « -maxdepth 0 » to limit to the current level only

Yes.  One of the many non-standard options available.

> > * Secondly if the add-pre-nl.sh script handle multiple file arguments
> > then instead of \; use + so that it calls it fewer times with as many
> > file arguments as possible.  It will be more efficient that way.
> In this case, I prefere using « xargs » :
>       find -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs add-pre-nl.sh
> And if there is space/single-quote/double-quote/new-line in some filenames :
>       find -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 add-pre-nl.sh

Using find's builtin and POSIX standard "{} +" is preferred over the
GNU extension and non-standard "-print0 | xargs -0".  Standard is
better than better.  And in this case it really is better and has the
fortune of being standard as well.  :-)

> > * And lastly that you forgot to include the directory path to find,
> > probably a '.' wanted here.
> No, « find » considers the current directory if no path is given =)

I had missed that GNU extension.  But that isn't standard either.
Better to learn portable scripting first and then use the extensions
as needed knowing that they are not portable. :-)


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