On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Chris Brennan <xa...@xaerolimit.net> wrote:
> On 8/27/2011 8:20 AM, lina wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Today I checked this one on store,
>> http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/products/external/external-hard-drive/portable-hard-drive
>> the 1TB USB3.0 one, whose outside box showed the system requirements is:
>> Windows ....
>> Mac® OS X operating system 10.4.11 or higher; 10.5.8 or 10.6.2 (32-bit
>> kernel only)
>> My questions is that:
>> is it compatible with mine OS: x86_64 GNU/Linux ?
>> How about 64-bit kernel Mac OS X?
>> (The lady there make me moved,
>> she stopped me buying it,
>> cause she can't guarantee me it will work, and it's not refundable,
>> she suggested me to wait for working day,
>> so she can call someone and let me know the result.)
>> Before the hard drive I used, I did not examine much, just feel it can
>> be plugged in windows, also Linux, no problems at all.
>> Thanks for any advice,
> Lina,
> I see my advice for Seagate was effective for you, glad to see it so. In
> general though, I don't buy the preassembled externals. I prefer to shop
> around for an enclosure on my choosing first, one I know will work with
> what ever systems I am going to use it on, then I go and find an
> appropriate hard-drive.

Hi, Thanks for your suggestion before.

I guess the pre-assembled externals is a bit more fit for me.
I don't have much knowledge about those things and on another hand,
kind of lazy.

> For example, I just bought this for my girlfriend
> http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0341014
> And four of these
> http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0355641
> The encloser is running in raid1 (so roughly 698G), her laptop (A
> Pre-Dell Alienware M17x) is running in raid0 (~1.3TB). That external
> does require it's own power and the cord isn't very long. On the bright
> side though, It received some abuse from me the first week we had it.
> While preforming backup's of her laptop, I and my cat both knocked the
> external off the desk, it slammed to the floor, I picked it up and it
> was perfectly fine, granted it only fell 3 feet but I plugged it into my
> Squeeze box as well as my FreeBSD box and scanned the array, no errors
> (and it was still coping data when it fell!).
> Like I had said previously, I am using these very same drives elseware
> (my laptop, the squeeze box as well as the freebsd box)
> /dev/md0  233G  4.2M  233G  1%  /mnt (xfs)
> This is her two old laptop drives (Seagate 2.5", 16MB cache, 250GB,
> 7200RPM), they are running in a raid1 softraid array in Leviathan
> (Squeeze). I swapped them out because the Intel fakeraid in the
> Alienware died. So instead of just rebuilding a 500GB raid0 array, I
> upgraded her to 2x750GB drives at ~1.3TB.
> tank  559G  25K  559G  0%  /tank (zfs)
> This is 2x750GB, 16MB Cache, 7200RPM drives running in a raid1 array as
> my primary data storage device. They are attached to a HPT RocketRaid
> 1720 Card (2xSATAII), hardware raid. The OS is FreeBSD 8.2.
> I realize this is more information then you are asking for, and I
> apologize for that. I just wanted to illustarte how well these drives
> function and to show you that the external I pointed out will work in
> Squeeze at the very least. If you want, I can grab her external after
> Hurricane Irene is done leaving her mark on NYC and get you dmesg logs
> from Squeeze and my laptop, running testing.

Thanks, just it seems will trouble you lots.
I don't know how to understand those dmesg logs,
so please just forget about it.

Thanks again, and have a nice weekend,
> --
>> Chris Brennan
>> --
>> A: Yes.
>> >Q: Are you sure?
>> >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>> >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
>> http://xkcd.com/84/ | http://xkcd.com/149/ | http://xkcd.com/549/
>> GPG: D5B20C0C (6741 8EE4 6C7D 11FB 8DA8  9E4A EECD 9A84 D5B2 0C0C)
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