At Fri, 26 Sep 2003 11:38:09 -0700,
WMFender-Westwind wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a Sony laptop PCG-FXA32 running Debian SID, kernel
> 2.4.20 (hand-rolled) with an odd problem.  I have an external
> hardware modem (Motorola modemsurfr) on ttyS0.  Every time
> there is heavy load on the machine, e.g. opening a program or
> when cron runs, downloading wll stop completely.  As soon as
> the activity gets back to normal, downloading will resume.  Any
> ideas?  Other debian machines I have now and in the past have
> not done that.  My /etc/ppp/ options is default, and my
> connection was set up by pppconfig.  I am pasting in the
> .config for my kernel below.  I have had several different
> kernel configurations on this machine, but did not save the
> configuration files.  They all showed the same problem, so
> maybe this is a hardware issue?


Is it really load or just heavy disk activity?  Maybe it's a DMA

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