On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

 # service network-manager stop
> Edit /etc/network/interfaces and set the following.  You can simply
> uncomment the "#NetworkManager#iface eth0 inet dhcp" line.  See
>  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=530024#49
> for the details of that particular line.  See this next
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch05.en.html#_the_basic_syntax_of_etc_network_interfaces
> for general information about that file.
>  auto eth0
>  allow-hotplug eth0
>  iface eth0 inet dhcp
> Plug in your ethernet wire.  Bring up the interface.
>  # ifup eth0
> You should be able to watch the progress by tailing the syslog in
> another window.  (Hint: Alt-F2 gets you to the second virtual console
> terminal.)  After it is up something like 'netstat -nr' should print
> useful network information about the network.
> At that point you should be up and on the network and can re-install
> anything that you want.  That should get your system going.
> The /var/log/dpkg.log could be useful in seeing what was recently
> uninstalled.  Also /var/backups/ contains dpkg.status* and other files
> that should allow you to know what was previously installed and
> therefore be able to get back to a known good state.
>  # apt-get install dctrl-tools
>  $ grep-dctrl -s Package -n "install ok installed"
> /var/backups/dpkg.status.0
>  ...dumps a list of previously installed packages...
>  $ grep-status -s Package -n "install ok installed"
>  ...dumps the current list of packages installed now...
> Putting that information to use you can see what was different between
> the backup file and now.
>  $ grep-dctrl -s Package -n "install ok installed"
> /var/backups/dpkg.status.0 | sort > /tmp/list.prev
>  $ grep-status -s Package -n "install ok installed" | sort > /tmp/list.now
>  $ comm -3 /tmp/list.prev /tmp/list.now
> And then inspecting that list make a decision about how to repair.
> Whew!  That above is somewhat complicated.  But if you are in a hurry
> then you probably you just need the following to pull in what you
> lost.  These metapackages (and gdm I prefer over the gdm3) will
> probably pull in what you need.  But the above would give you exact
> answers.
>  # apt-get install gnome gnome-core gnome-desktop-environment gdm
> Hope that helps,
> Bob


Thank you so much for such a great and comprehensive answer.

Googling around i thought of simply uninstalling NetworkManager, as i wasn't
sure how to stop services.

Also, /var/backups was exactly what i was hunting for but simply couldn't
find. Muchas gracias for referencing that (and /var/log).

And lastly, dctrl-tools is awesome! +1 thanks for that, too!

Problems solved!

And nothing ventured, nothing earned... i'm currently
(and graciously) diving into all of this!

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