On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:25:47PM +0200, Arno Schuring wrote:
> William Hopkins (we.hopk...@gmail.com on 2011-07-12 17:29 -0400):
> > On 07/12/11 at 08:50pm, Arno Schuring wrote:
> > > As of this moment, it is not recommended to run IPv6-only networks,
> > > dual-stack is preferred. Not in the least because most of the
> > > Internet is not yet reachable over v6 (sadly...). The best way to
> > > go forward is to get IPv6 running in basic mode first
> > > (autoconfiguration), and then start moving more services on IPv6
> > > once you feel confident -- but take a *good* look at firewalling
> > > rules before you do so.
> > 
> > Who doesn't recommend it? It's almost impossible at this moment, but
> > not recommended not to if you can. 
> Ok, fair enough. Let's rephrase that as "I wouldn't recommend you to go
> IPv6-only right now, because most of the Internet still operates on
> IPv4 and going IPv6-only is almost impossible at this moment".

I think it's fair to say that it's entirely possible today if you use
DNS64/NAT64 proxying to make the IPv4 internet visible on your IPv6
network.  Your entire network can then be IPv6 only with the exception
of the machine acting as the gateway to the IPv4 world.

The tools to do this should be available in Debian, e.g. tayga, pdns.
All you need to do is install them on a single machine with dual stack


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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