Am Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011 schrieb Sthu Deus:
> Good time of the day.
> How I can customize the KDE4 desktop so that it can be then transferred
> to other users.
> For example - I login under a user, make my preferences, save the
> session, logout. Then, super user copies the (which?) files/dir.s to
> another user, chowning it for the user.
> Or, may there is another much better solution?
> Thanks for Your time.

Try this:

Create a default user and configure it to your needs. Then copy everything of 
your settings to /etc/skel. When a new user is created, everything from 
/etc/skel will be transferred to the new user profile. 

If you have to install this on different machines, you mighjt want to have a 
tarball available. I would do it so:

- create a tarball from /etc/skel
- write a shell script, which does
 a) unpack the tarball to /etc/skel
 b) then creates a new user (i.e. starting adduser)

Doing so, it is easy to have a default profile available. 

Another way might be, to write a script, which logs on every machine, changes 
/etc/skel, creates user, unlogs. Doing so, you can easily change thopusands of 
default profiles in this way, even afterwards (in that case, do not change 
/etc/skel but /home/youruser/)

Hope this helps


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