Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On 30/06/11 17:09, Paul Lettington wrote:
>> On 30/06/11 04:04, Martin McCormick wrote:
>>>     It appears that the procedure to start the serial
>>> console has changed.
>>>     Can I boot the CDROM in serial console mode as before?
>> I had to do this recently to install on a serial-only virtual machine,
>> and found that I had to modify the CD to present anything over the
>> serial port. I don't know if I was doing something wrong and it should
>> have been possible with a stock CD, but this worked for me.
>> These are the notes I made while doing it, you should substitute the
>> 6.0.1a version for whatever is current when you do it.
> Are you certain the advice you gave a blind person is accurate??

Yes, I am certain that what I said in my email is accurate - which is
that it was the procedure I followed when I modified the CD image to use
a serial console for the installer, and that doing so worked for me.

However I am not certain that this is the best or only way to do it, and
I even said as much in my original email.

> All your instructions do is hard code what can be done at the cli or
> through pre-seeding - with an added difficulty and time factor.

I've not used pre-seeding before, so I may be mistaken about its
capabilities. Are you saying that it can be used to change the console
for the installer when booting from a CD, without modifying the CD at
all? If so, I would find that most useful.

> Did you try to enter "install console=ttyS0,9600n8" at the *CLI*??

What CLI would I enter this at? As I said in my original email, I was
using a serial-only virtual machine and saw nothing over the serial
console using the stock CD image. There is no other console that I would
be able to type that in to.

> I just installed from debian-6.0.1a-i386-kde-CD-1.iso *without*
> modifying the CD, using a serial console.
> NOTE: serial console install is the usual method for xen builds - and
> we've *never* had a need to rebuild the iso.

I would be interested to know the details of how you did that. I am
using KVM rather than XEN, but I don't believe it would be much different.

In case I was being foolish when I first did it, I have spun up a new
headless VM just now using an unmodified CD image, as follows:

# virt-install --nographics -r 128 -n testvm --disk
path=/tmp/testvm,size=5,bus=virtio -c

Starting install...
Creating storage file testvm                             | 5.0 GB
Creating domain...                                       |    0 B
Connected to domain testvm
Escape character is ^]

It is now sat like that, with the serial port of the VM attached to my
terminal and I am seeing no output. It has been like that for several
minutes now. Using my modified iso, I see output from the installer
straight away.


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