On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Scott Ferguson
<prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21/06/11 09:52, he who wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net
>> <mailto:ron.l.john...@cox.net>> wrote:
>>     On 06/20/2011 07:35 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>>     [snip]
>>         Unfortunately Aqualung has only a small subset of Amarok 2s
>>         capabilities. And I've yet to find anything that matches Amarok - it
>>         easily handles my 260GB music collection (53k+ songs (5130
>>         albums) as
>>         well as lyric files, photos, music videos, and album art - auto
>>         display
>>         of Wikipedia entries for playing tracks - plugins for musicbrainz,
>>         dozens of extension scripts, and it's easy to write more. It
>>         uses mysql
>>         (or other) database and has extensive playlist capability.
>>         As an added bonus it crashes every time I shut it down :-(  But
>>         nothing
>>         breaks, and nothing beats it.
>>     The music files are stored directly in a database?
>> Just playlists and program specific information I believe. The music
>> directories, files, their tags and any changes therein made by Amarok
>> remain accessible by other programs.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Freeman
> Yes.
> The point, which I failed to make, is that I can modify the database to
> suit my own requirements, without being restricted to the music
> player/collection manager interface. Amarok doesn't alter the actual
> files and happily works with files in multiple locations.
> All the other music players that I've tried don't work well with large
> collections and/or don't allow me to use musicbrainz. Amarok can
> directly use musicbrainz but doesn't stop me from using Picard as well.
> The crash on closing I experience (Squeeze) may well be one of my dodgy
> scripts - but as it doesn't reduce the functionality of Amarok I can
> happily live with it.
> Cheers

I just get random crashes, in squeeze with Amarok installed from
backports.  Crashes generally confine themselves to when I am crazy
busy, switching lots in and out of the main playlist while editing
genres and changing settings. (Not so much any more.) But I find that
doing much rearranging with podcasts while playing same seems to
precipitate crashiness.

I don't have any of my own scripts. The one I have isolated as
problematic is the moodbar generator. If I let it finish on a
playlist, then turn it off in script manager, there are no problems
and the generated moodbars remain.

I've only had one crash where I lost data. And that was settings. When
I re-edited the settings, everything was back.

There is an issue with ID tags reassigning themselves. But they are
slowly stabilizing with repeated re-edits. I think that is because
files get added with a variety of tags that Amarok doesn't handle, so
sometimes get saved from edits while still containing data that trips
up Amarok. If necessary, I'll start going after them with a tag
editor, kid3(?).

I think the main playlist should be called the queue-list.  Calling it
the playlist confuses it with saved playlists.

Speaking of multiple music directories, do you know of  a way to set
which directory Amarok imports music files too? It just uses the first
(and main) directory I selected but I may need to change that.

P.S. Hope this is in plain text.script


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