* Paul E Condon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030924 20:07]:
> An article in Oct issue of Linux journal got me interested in Mondo
> Archive, which is software that builds self-booting restore CDs for
> Linux systems. So, I started to try to use it. I found a debian
> package in Woody, and did the standard apt-get ... .  I had mostly no
> problem understanding the man page. But some puzzles lead me to look
> at the Mondo web site, and ...
> From reading the Mondo web site, it appears that there are 
> no documented instances of mondoarchive being used successfully
> on a Debian system, and that Debian kernels are somehow non-
> standard, and difficult to work with. Is this true? And, if true,
> why is there a Debian package of Mondo Archive? 

Hugo has had a hard time with Debian because of certain things that it
does differently from "everyone else".  The "non-standard" kernel bit
you refer to is the use of an initrd.  ISTR there's someone in Argentina
on the mondo team handling the Debian "port" -- I assume that's the
package maintainer.

I haven't used mondo on Debian, but I feel the same way you do: if the
package exists, it should work.  From your email, though, it sounds like
you didn't even try.  (Kudos for reading the documentation first,
though!)  I'd give it a shot, and if something does fail, come back to
the list with a specific failure report.  If you don't find help here,
you could try asking the mondo-devel mailing list -- but DO remember to
send your log file!

Actually, I just went and looked at the mondo support page
and saw this line in the distributions chart:

Debian 3.0      1.7x / 0.9x     OK      OK

meaning mondo 1.7x with mindi 0.9x tested okay for backup and restore on
Debian 3.0.  That sounds promising.  Scrolling down a little, I see that
Hugo is now more accepting of Debian's differences, saying that he "used
to badmouth Debian", which I assume means he no longer does. =)

good times,
                                                --Nick Moffitt
A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

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