On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 08:56, Louie Miranda wrote:
> Im trying to research a free application on how can i make Apache survive on
> a certain crash. Ex: Webserver failure and when one webserver fails another
> will continue its process.
> Can this be done on Open Source Tools, by combining stuffs related to it?.

I was doing some research on the same subject. If you wanna go all the
way with load balancing and failover, LVS (Linux Virtual Server) is you
answer. But for just apache, a good solution that I found (but havent
tried yet) is mod_proxy(for the load balancing) with wackamole(for
failover). I also found a software called pen for failover.



Shri Shrikumar       U R Byte Solutions           Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant      Edinburgh, Scotland          Mob:   0773 980 3499
                     Web: www.urbyte.com          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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