So sorry for posting the same thing more then once, I kept getting a DSN
like this:

Whomever runs this should include a message ID or something more then
the subject in the response because I can't discover what email didn't
make it(if any) to the list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        There was a problem with your email to debianHELP (Re: Re:
(hopefully perl) API to /etc/network/interfaces?)
Date:   Tue, 31 May 2011 21:16:41 -0400 (EDT)

The email you sent to was rejected because there  
was a validation error.

In order for emails to be accepted by debianHELP:
- They must be sent in reply to a valid notification email.
- The reply must be done from the same email address the notification was 
sent to.

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