On Wed, 25 May 2011 11:08:36 +0000, Camaleón wrote:

> On Tue, 24 May 2011 22:42:57 +0000, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
>> I installed clamav on Sqeeze 64b bit seemingly without problems but
>> then every time I run freshclam I have the following:
>> username@desktop:~$ sudo freshclam
>> [sudo] password for username:
>> ClamAV update process started at Tue May 24 15:36:11 201 main.cvd is up
>> to date (version: 53, sigs: 846214, f-lev daily.cld is up to date
>> (version: 13107, sigs: 122408, f tar) Downloading bytecode.cvd [100%]
>> ERROR: Database load killed by signal 11 ERROR: Failed to load new
>> database: No viruses detected
>> When run in debug mode I had a message that the database file is
>> corrupted in line 1. I tried to remove all files in /var/lib/clamav
>> thus forcing freshclam to completely re-download new files from server
>> but the result was the same.
>> Can anybody help, please?
> You can try to manually download the "bytecode.cvd" and then restart the
> clamd daemon.

I've not tried it since, first, I have no idea would to do with the damn
thing after download ( :-> ), and, second, as far as I could see from the
debug output freshclam did not have any trouble to download it. Rather it
was  failing attempting to read it.

> Are you behind some kind of proxy?

No proxy.

And finally here how I resolved the problem.

I compared /var/lib/clamav folders content in Squeeze and in Lucid. I
found in Lucid bytecode.cld file which was missing in Squeeze. I gave it a
try just copying bytecode.cld to Squeeze, and clamav started working as a
good boy.

So, it looks to me like Squeeze clamav package has a bug. It either does
not configure clamav upon installation properly or simply missing some
file/s in package.

Thanks Camaleón, you were the only one to reply. And this puzzles me BTW.
I doubt people do not use clamav in Debian. Is there anything wrong with
my posting. I'm new to Debian community and willing to learn. :-)

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