On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 00:21:55 -0600
Jacob Anawalt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now you have me interested. Do you already have a script to mirror only 
> stable and unstable with rsync? I think I would try only mirroring 
> stable with such a script, but I thought it would take having a program 
> parse things like the Packages files for each release and 
> main/contrib/non-free sub folder and <arch> that you were after.

Yes, I do. It's attached.

> If I'm mirroring stable, doesn't it only change when a revision is done, 
> so I don't really need to mirror it that often?

That's what I would expect.

> Maybe if/when non-free is moved out of the mirrors that will also help 
> the mirror size. I don't feel like writing a Packages file parsing/file 

I don't think that will help much; I don't think non-free is that
significant. (But I was mirroring only main and contrib.)


Attachment: debian.rsync
Description: Binary data

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