On Du, 15 mai 11, 11:57:49, tv.deb...@googlemail.com wrote:
> > 
> > ¹I didn't know how this thingy worked, it is something I never used in 
> > openSUSE, the distro I was using before coming to Debian.

openSUSE should now have DKMS as well[1]
> I was a great fan of module-assistant, but since dkms entered Debian I
> don't miss m-a ! Give it a try, especially when using custom kernels it
> saves a lot of time for more interesting things than compiling modules.
> The only downside I see is philosophical, it makes using proprietary
> modules far too easy, there used to be some kind of redemption in the
> manual compilation suffering ;-)

There are still things missing, like #583580 and the ability to build a 
deb to install on another machine, very useful if one has to install 
OOT[2] kernel modules on machines which shouldn't/can't have a compiler 

[1] at least according to Wikipedia 
[3] Out of Tree

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