Am Samstag, 14. Mai 2011 schrieb Lars Nielsen:
> Hi list,
> I am running a mailserver with exim, courier-pop, courier-imap and
> squirrelmail. I has been running "fine" for about 18 months now. But how
> can I assure my self and my customers that I deliver a good quality
> mail-server? How can I best monitor the services to assure that there
> are the desired uptime and response-times?
> I am running on a lenny installation.
> Regards
> Lars Nielsen

My ideas, try to use munin with the famous rrdtools. So you can creatre a nice 
piechart, which can be offered on a website.

You can also use uptimed, to create mails at long uptimes. I got 500 days 
uptime confirmed, which is really good, I think.

Have fun!


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