Hello sdc,

Am 2011-04-27 11:47:43, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> Greetings, I was reading FSF distro review and I was shocked to see that
> Debian isn't actually free software. FSF said that they are making a big
> progress(this happened when they removed the blobs from the kernel) but
> still isn't free software because users have the option to install
> proprietary software from debian's server and this is a bit confusing for
> beginners in this free software world.

I want more FUD!  Please tell me which NON-FREE SOFTWARE!

> My beginner question is, why doesn't Debian remove the proprietary software
> hosted on it's servers? Don't they want to follow the FSF word?

What is this crap about?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

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