Hello, I have setup tripwire on a Debian 6. I have tripwire integrity reports (pwr files) in the directory /var/lib/tripwire/report/ With the following command I can read the report. twprint --print-report --twrfile proxytest-20110421-135326.twr > test-log
I would like send the report by email. In the file /etc/cron.daily/tripwire there is the command tripwire --check --quiet --email-report If I try to launch this in command line I have this message : root@proxytest:/etc/cron.daily# /usr/sbin/tripwire --test --email t...@mydomain.com Sending a test message to: t...@mydomain.com ### Error: The SMTP server returned an error. ### Error Number:504 5.5.2 <tripwire@proxytest>: Sender address rejected: need ### fully-qualified address ### Exiting... Email test failed. proxytest is the hostname of my server Do you have an idea to solve this issue ? I tried to change in the twcfg the variable SMTPHOST by smtp.altitudetelecom.fr (my ISP SMTP relay) instead of localhost. But it doesn't work... Thank you in advance for your help. Cedric