On Monday 22 September 2003 02:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 10:03:41AM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
> > I've just received one with what looks like all the debian-powerpc list
> > addresses in the "To" header.  So it does look as though they are
> > harvesting the Debian lists.
> Mine have had mostly a single To: address.
> The virus descriptions I've read says it uses email addresses found on
> the infected machine.  What I find odd (suspect? ;) is that so many
> Windows machines happen to have so many addresses for people that are
> typically non-windows users..  In other words, the places I post consist
> of mostly unix/linux users, but it seems like I'm getting mail from a
> lot of different Windows users.
> To be cynical, a Windows virus would be a good way to attack (with mail
> volume) non-windows users.
> My wife wants to know *why* people write viruses...

Yeah, the latest version of Outlook Express has hidden code that trawls the 
Linux lists for addresses, then stashes them carefully but invisibly in its 
address book as a free gift for the next email virus that comes along....     


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