I already filed a bug about that [1] and now I hope somebody here can
help me.

I have some servers, where I have to use the "hardware" raid controller
PDC20277 (Promise Fasttrak). Under lenny it works fine using dmraid, but
after the upgrade to squeeze (to be exact: after upgrading kernel and
udev as mentioned in the upgrade guide [2]) the system doesn't boot
anymore, because only one of the to identical ide disks gets configured
and therefore the raid array is degraded and the system won't boot using
the raid array.

The reason for this seem to be new libata, which got introduced in
2.6.30 (I read that on "the internet" during my research) or the new pdc
driver (pata_pdc2027x instead of pdc202xx_new). Or something else I
don't see.

Any ideas? The only idea I have so far is using an older kernel with
debian squeeze. But then I wouldn't get security updates for it.

I don't get why the system configures one of the two identical disks but
not the other. It seems to "see" both disks:

> scsi2 : pata_pdc2027x
> scsi3 : pata_pdc2027x
and then following a similar ata3 and ata4 line (ata2.jpg attached to
bug report)

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=618798

Thanks in advance

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