Hello, I have setup a local debian repository and serving the same using VSFTPD ftp server. I can use apt-get to install the packages from this repository on another linux machine... No problems...
I have custom scripts to generate DVD for my product which uses official debian repositories to resolve the dependencies of my product's debian packages; all works fine. But when I generate DVD using my local debian repository, there are lot of addtional packages downloaded with version mistmatches and DVD does not install. Info about layout and installation steps of local debian repository : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp://mymachine/debian : root of the repository dists --> lenny --> main --> binary-amd64 -->Packages.gz dists --> lenny --> contrib --> binary-amd64 --> Packages.gz dists --> lenny --> non-free --> binary-amd64 --> Packages.gz pool --> main --> all main section packages here pool --> contrib --> all contrib section packages here pool -->non-free --> all non-free section packages here pool contains all debian packages for sections main, contrib and non-free respectively (these packages are taken from official debian repository) All indexes for these packages in the pool have been created by me using : dpkg-scanpackages pool/main /dev/null | gzip -9c > absolute path to package.gz Same for all three sections main, contrib and non-free. Can somebody point me why version mismatches are there in case I use my local repository, but version mismatches are not there in case I use official debian repositoryes... this confuses me... Thank you all in advance for any pointers. Regards --RR