On Fri, Sep 19, 2003 at 02:46:52PM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote:
> > - is there something crucial that I'm missing?
> Yes. It is beta code. Some of it is buggy and _won't_ compile (at
> least this was the case with many of the scsi drivers in test1). Only
> try to compile the drivers/modules that you actually need.

Thanks for that bit of advice -- it forces me ot make cleaner kernels in any case, I 
guess!  After taking out most everything, I'm able to make-kpkg with either gcc-2.95 
or gcc-3.2!

> > - Is it sufficient to set HOSTCC, or do I need to modify the Makefile
> > in some other way (or, perhaps better, set the CC variables from the
> > shell)?
> I set the compiler by putting the following in my .kernel-pkg.conf
> CC:=gcc-3.2

great, thanks for that tip!


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