> >>>On Du, 23 ian 11, 13:06:15, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> >>>>I wholeheartedly agree. Except that the current mc for squeeze and
> >>>>sid is 4.0.7 which is very unfriendly in that it has moved to skin
> >>>>support of which there are none. Better stick with lenny which is
> >>>>4.6.2 which is much friendlier.

On Mi, 26 ian 11, 09:18:32, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> The coloring scheme of mcedit is just unacceptable with that ini
> under 4.0.7, take a look at it.
> Aside from that the color scheme with that ini is weird under 4.0.7,
> totally unlike 4.6.2.
> I went through this on the mc mailing list and got nowhere, my ini
> file was deemed "wrong". But it does exactly what I want it to do on
> 4.6.2 and previous, just that 4.0.7 handles it totally different.
> OK, I would switch to a skin, but there are no skins to be had with
> a light background that keep mcedit as the default has it.

I hardly consider that a reason to advise people to stick with the lenny 
version, especially if they have never used mc and are unlikely to be 
using an old ini file ;)

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