* tvn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030918 19:45]:
> I used the following in .Xmodmap ,  it behaves somewhat as the control
> key except Control (Caps Lock) + a should move to the beginning of the
> line, but in my case it doesn't .  The normal Control key works fine
> though.  Any idea/suggestion ?  This is a laptop btw, but the keycode
> for caps lock is still 66
> keycode 66 = Control_L
> clear Lock
> add Control = Control_L

Here's a a system-wide fix, which I assume will be fine, since it is,
after all, a laptop.  I don't mess with xmodmap at all.  Instead, I use
this as my keyboard definition in XF86Config-4:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver          "keyboard"
        Option          "CoreKeyboard"
        Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc101"
        Option          "XkbLayout"     "intl"
        Option          "XkbOptions"    "ctrl:nocaps"

good times,
I am mortified to be told that, in the United States of America, the sale of a
book can become a subject of inquiry, and of criminal inquiry too.
                                                -- President Thomas Jefferson

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