Kirk Strauser said:
> That was way too simple.  I've been growing the script as false negatives
> trickle in, and the current results are below.  By the way, I've come to
> the
> realization that filtering this with pattern matching is probably an
> exercise in futility, but it's still fun to try (and it's blocking several
> hundred mails per hour, so that's kind of worthwhile).

Filtering spam is good :)

How's this for simple, just block/filter all email with the body content
matching this regexp:


I got the idea from:

I think it could be tightened up a little more, but it's better (for me)
than accepting attachments of all those types. I've got Postfix rejecting
these files with a message to zip them if the sender needs to get me the

That only helps me against the obvious virus sources, not against
mime-type spoofing or scripting. Nor does it help against normal spam. I
have a procmail invoked Razor check going, but it has some issues. 1) It
checks when the email is recieved rather than minutes/hours later like the
SpamNet Outlook client. 2) It returns a single status for the whole
message (the version I have installed anyway) so it filters when people
use a spam reported background or footer image.

Someday I'll get annoyed enough to try Spamassassin again with some of the
new filters you can hookd to it.

Trying out SquirrelMail

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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