In <>, Eduardo M 
>On Sex, 14 Jan 2011, Andrew Engelbrecht wrote:
>>> Perhaps 'aptitude search ~c' will fill your needs. It will search for
>>> unused configuration files.
>> Ok, I tried that, but that command lists deleted packages that left
>> config files behind; I'm looking for a way to delete abandoned config
>> files that belonged to packages that have been upgraded.
>Just purge the packages which were removed but not purged. To remove
>all of them in one step,
># aptitude purge '~c'

Wow, Ed.  Way to miss the point. :P (j/k)

The OP is looking for a tool to remove files that were used by package_x.y but 
are not used by the (installed) package_x.z where z > y.  Unfortunately, there 
is not one tool to do just that, since the list of conffiles of package_x.y 
isn't available to a system with package_x.z installed.

Selective use of the "cruft" program will help you clean up an existing 
system.  It compares the list of normal files and conffiles for installed 
packages against the file system and reports extras--cruft.

Any package that leaves files like that around (instead of migrating the 
configuration and deleting the old file during the upgrade) is buggy, and I 
think piuparts should diagnose that.  If the stable -> testing or testing -> 
unstable upgrade would leave cruft around, please let the maintainer know by 
filing a bug; it should document (at least) the name of the file that would be 
left behind and the old.version -> new.version upgrade you saw the behavior 
on.  If you can generate a good piuparts report, that would likely be 
appreciated, since the PTS doesn't automatically track that.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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